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Switkes & Zappala, P.A. represents owners, developers, individuals and other interested persons on matters relating to zoning approvals, amendments of local government comprehensive plans, developments of regional impact (DRIs), due diligence reviews, impact fees, concurrency, responding to Requests for Proposals and Requests for Qualifications from local governmental agencies, as well as all local administrative and quasi judicial proceedings on all matters associated with land/property.


With the knowledge of former City Attorney for the City of North Bay Village Robert Switkes, our lawyers understand the complicated legal intricacies associated with pursuing any land development project. Whether from a development standpoint or the re-development of any property, we work within the confines of the applicable guidelines while understanding how to use the same regulations to better our clients’ positions.


At Switkes & Zappala, P.A. we provide a vast array of services to our land use clients, from the initial meetings with government staff, through the comprehensive preparation of the application process, the presentation of the project, through obtaining the requisite permitting and appearing before regulatory and quasi-judicial hearings to resolve administrative appeals.


Whenever necessary our experienced litigation attorneys will also takes the land development concerns through the appellate process in the Florida Courts.


The experienced attorneys at Switkes & Zappala, P.A are well versed not only in appearing before local boards, committees, and commissions, but also in moving before the Board of Rules and Appeals, the Fire Prevention Board, the Florida Building Commission as well as Florida’s Accessibility Advisory Council, amongst others. The Firm’s experience provides a competitive edge to all of our clients.

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